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Blog friends who love 69.  

utfrangrl 49F
28768 posts
11/14/2017 2:46 pm
Blog friends who love 69.

Ok blog friends. if you love this take time to share a 69 reply.

Leegs2012 51M
96137 posts
11/14/2017 4:19 pm

Ohh Fran!! I soooooooooooo love "69"!!!!!

wanna4playU 56M  
265 posts
11/14/2017 4:33 pm


clittywhisperer1 59M
1415 posts
11/14/2017 4:40 pm

696969696969696969 ........ yes please may i have some more ?

hrdallnght4u 67M

11/14/2017 5:35 pm

Wine Her..Dine Her..then take Her home and 69 Her..

You can't expect to be Old & Wise..If You were never Young & Crazy!!!

RGVBear64 59M  
22 posts
11/14/2017 6:29 pm

69 is the best when both can reach.

3200Ram 43M
210 posts
12/9/2017 11:31 am

i love 69

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